Sombo Kasandula
aged 19 based in Sesheke, Western province – Zambia forsakes praises on teenage
pregnancies. She alludes she became a mother at the age of 18years. She wrote:
"I am a teenage mom. Had my first born when I was 18 but there's something I'd like to say to young girls out there. If you don't have a kid yet, just don't. There's nothing glamorous about being a teenage mom. Honestly and we should stop praising teenage pregnancy. As a teenager your focus should be school , fun , finding who you are and focusing on your future. Everything should be about you , finding love , being heartbroken and starting afresh without considering no one but yourself. But once you have a kid all that changes. All the decisions you make in your life have to consider that you're not alone but there's somebody who looks up to you. It's even harder to fully take care of yourself for having another being. Sometimes a baby daddy will stress you and now you are left as a kid to raise another kid alone. And when it comes to the next relationship you have expectations because you want someone who you'd like to take care of your kid whereas as your age. The worst part opportunities rises but there are some you can't take because you have to look after your kid or you can't just give up and leave since you're a mother now. Motherhood takes a lot , it requires lot of physical and emotional strength. Therefor refrain from having kids at a younger age. Live life , enjoy being young , chase opportunities , chase young love and don't settle for mediocrity.!"