“Mutale Mwanza constantly wears sun glasses because her one eye is higher than the other” – Simon Mwewa Lane Tv


He wrote: “….. She feels conscious about her eyes...and while I do have a semi-accent, I actually lived in America for 7 years... but Mutale's accent was born out of watching Dallas on ZNBC. What's the lesson guys? Don't attempt to body shame a normal person when you have an unalterable facial defect. Plastic surgery can give a person a face lift [ not that she can afford it ]...but they can't fix a skewed eye line, hence the sunglasses. So let's recap, Mutale didn't buy an iPhone for K87,000. She's not building any property anywhere, she's simply advertising for the owner of the property...and that talent agency that she claims to run is actually a recruiting agency for high class call girls...she's basically a MADAM. Let's dance girl...I love the music  SMLtv”

He wrote:

“….. She feels conscious about her eyes...and while I do have a semi-accent, I actually lived in America for 7 years... but Mutale's accent was born out of watching Dallas on ZNBC.

What's the lesson guys? Don't attempt to body shame a normal person when you have an unalterable facial defect. Plastic surgery can give a person a face lift [ not that she can afford it ]...but they can't fix a skewed eye line, hence the sunglasses.

So let's recap, Mutale didn't buy an iPhone for K87,000. She's not building any property anywhere, she's simply advertising for the owner of the property...and that talent agency that she claims to run is actually a recruiting agency for high class call girls...she's basically a MADAM.

Let's dance girl...I love the music



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